Forum Association “L’Haÿ Chevaliers”

Forum Association “L’Haÿ Chevaliers”

Le Deal du moment : -44%
Casque Gamer sans fil STEELSERIES Arctis 7P+ (PS5/PS4, ...
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86.99 €

    AOS - Ogors 1500pts


    Prénom IRL : Fred
    Age : 40
    Localisation : L'Hay-Les-Roses
    Jeux pratiqués : Un peu tout XD.

    AOS - Ogors 1500pts   Empty AOS - Ogors 1500pts

    Message par Crilest Mer 15 Jan 2020 - 10:54

    Je prendrai - Mawtribe : Gosier de sang et bien sûr le décors Ogors Great Mawpot

    Butcher : 140 pts
    - Gulping Bite, Tenderiser, Bloodgruel, Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, Voracious Maw

    Tyrant : 160 pts
    - Beastskewer Glaive, Gulping Bite, Ogor Pistols, Thundermace, Beastskewer Glaive, Big Name, Thundermace, BLOODGULLET : ‘Nice Drop of the Red Stuff!’, Bully of the First Degree, BLOODGULLET : Bloodbath, BLOODGULLET : Splatter-cleaver

    Gnoblars (20) : 100 pts
    - 20 Motley Assortment of Weapons Gnoblars, 20 Sharp Stuff, Screeching Horde, Trappers
    - Groinbiter : Groinbiter

    Ironguts (4) : 220 pts
    - 4 Gulping Bite, 4 Mighty Bashing Weapon, Down to the Ironguts
    - Bellower
    - Gutlord
    - Rune Maw Bearer

    Leadbelchers (4) : 160 pts
    - 4 Bludgeoning Blow, 4 Gulping Bite, 4 Leadbelcher Gun, Thunderous Blasts of Hot Metal
    - Thunderfirst : Thunderfirst

    Ogor Gluttons (6) : 240 pts
    - 6 Gulping Bite, 6 Ogor Club or Blade, 6 Basalt Hammer, Paired Clubs or Blades
    - Bellower : Bellower
    - Crusher : Crusher
    - Standard Bearer : Beast Skull Bearer

    Ogor Gluttons (12) : 400 pts
    - 12 Gulping Bite, 12 Ogor Club or Blade, 12 Basalt Hammer, Paired Clubs or Blades
    - 2 Bellower : Bellower
    - Crusher : Crusher
    - 2 Standard Bearer : Beast Skull Bearer, Lookout Gnoblar, Tribal Banner Bearer

    Gorgers : 80 pts
    - Distensible Jaw, Long Claws, Ambushing Hunters, Insatiable Hunger

    Total : 1500 points - 49 figurines - 8 unités
    url :

    "I Hate being bipolar, it's awesome!"

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